Daily Inspiration of Motivation
We often get caught up in doing things in making sure that they meet the needs or requirements of others. However, we often forget what is the purpose for it. In other words, what is the motivation or inspiration that makes this an important factor in a way that motivates or inspired it? We often get inspired by something first before we make it happen. We laid out the ideas first, or think of it as a vision that is what motivate us to go out there in pursuing whatever there is that we want to do. We must set goals, and make sure that they are reasonable and not solely farfetched. You want to put in the work, and have the most positive thoughts to make whatever you want to come true.

This brings me to the Art for Evolution (AFE) is a nonprofit charitable organization founded in 2013 in Miami, Florida by the ecological artist Analia Bordenave to raise awareness of our habits that negatively impact the planet, and shift those toward creating a positive and lasting (green) mark on the planet. Art for Evolution or AFE for short mission is to strengthen the community and the environment through art. Art for Evolution's vision is to preserve our environment by compensating the impact of human activity through Participatory Art. This nonprofit organization wants the world to know what motivates them, and what inspired them to do something different, also unique and put it out there in the world. While volunteering here for the past few months (virtually), they are all truly amazing. This organization just doesn’t focus on the environment part alone. It also focuses on coming up with creative ways to save the Earth, plants, trees, and anything you can think of. We have to put our needs aside and help out in our own environment in our community. We have to do it to make this world a better place to live. This organization is another way for people who loves writing to come and express their self through writing.
I love art and writing and getting to have this experience is a motivation to be able to pursue my passion as well. One of the main things, when it comes to Art for Evolution is being able to save non- usable materials and creating them into something creative. In high school, in art class, we entered a recyclable art competition and we were to use recyclable materials and make them into anything art related or just anything creative. I made a flower and the next year I made a book from an old encyclopedia. It was fun, and we never thought about reusing old materials and making something out of them. This really opened my eyes and see how we could change what’s around us. We take the littlest thing for granted and we must do better. We have to share things throughout this world to let the people know what creative ideas we can accomplish by saving the world.
This article was about inspiring and motivating about the world and letting others know how about this nonprofit organization. Overall, this is just a way of getting people to come together virtually and in person to save the trees, plant more trees, making reusable items into something creative and everlasting.

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Source: https://www.artforevolution.org/who-we-are
About the Author SamQuinta Capers