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We are finding our benefactor who will be mentioned and acknowledged all the time with an advantageous place in every single one of our actions.

You could leave YOUR MARK ON THE WORLD by being our benefactor.

We would feel honored to count on your support, and we would feel grateful for your faith in our mission of a

100% Green Model.




Our Eco Mark Program has also been established to cover our operating expenses. We will depend on the Eco Mark program's initiatives to cover everything from staff salaries to basic office systems to office rent and supplies.

These initiatives are some of our most significant: the investment in these initiatives fuels our long-term mission, our ability to develop as an organization, and our mission to continue using 100% of public donations for Green projects.We need your help to start up our initiatives:


  • Gift Point

  • Eco  Shop Online Store

  • Eco Art Gallery (HEADQUARTERS)

  • G Mobile

  • Plan G 2016


The total sales revenue will be designated to cover the operating costs of Art for Evolution nonprofit organization’s mission.


Your support as a  benefactor paves the way for us to continue doing what many have said was impossible: develop the organization while generating environmental awareness in the community, using our  100% Green Model  to provide a better planet to future generations.


When we started Art for Evolution, we made a bold promise to the general public that 100% of their donations would go directly to to fund Green on Gray projects, through our Green Mark Program (neutralizing the impact of pollution, each Green Mark becomes a tree or plant in our Participatory Eco Art Work of Green on Gray alliances with planet).

Our goal for the program of a 100% Green Model is very ambitious. To accomplish this goal, we also need your help to develop and disseminate the Green Mark Program’s initiatives:


  • Crowdfunding Platform

  • Virtual Park

  • Events CO2 Zero


100% of the money raised will be used toward trees and plants in our Land Art Parks.



As a benefactor, your support makes it possible to target 100% of all funds raised toward trees and plants, enabling us to meet our goal of preserving our environment by compensating human activity on the planet through Participatory Ecological Art.





You can leave your Green Mark on the planet. Be our benefactor, supporting either of our two programs. Your generous contribution will help us to raise awareness and educate our community to generate eco-ethical habits, protecting our natural resources and respecting the planet. 

You will receive a donation acknowledgement to deduct 100% from your taxes.



gift point



             Total Requirements $ 40,100


                 BUSINESS PLAN DETAILS, here   





Gym Clubs,

Shopping Malls,


Hotel Lobbies,




City Events, etc, are called to place an elegant glass vitrine full of green gifts and being part of the awareness campaign I'm Green on Gray


eco shop

The gifts allow us to communicate a positive message of care and environmental compromise. In our Eco Shop Online Store, you will find products that relate to the reduction of ecological damage that our consumption generates in the environment.


Every Green on Gray gift that we have is distinguished by:

-High Quality

-Artistic Design

-Respect for the environment

-Responsible and ethical consumption.




Total Requirements $ 80,000





g mobile

Whit your help we can:


  • Create the first G Mobile bus to tour in the city and main events; to spread Art For Evolution’s green message.

  • Support Part of the Eco Mark Program ( We use 100% of public donations for green projects); G Mobile advertising generates total sales revenue to cover I’m Green on Gray program's operating costs.

  • Implement Green Mark Program.

  • Generate impact out of awareness across cities, businesses and communities to care for the planet through eco participatory art:

- Information and awareness

- Education campaign and eco ethical commitment

- Citizen, governmental and business participation in synergy for the planet.



Total Requirements $ 339,000



art gallery


The purpose of this business plan is to raise $100,000 for the development of an Eco Art Gallery,  to further support Art For Evolution, nonprofit organization.  Art for Evolution Eco Art Gallery is a Miami-based initiative that will provide sales of art from established and up and come ecological artists to customers in its targeted market.



Total Start Up Requirements $ 100,000





crowdf plat



The purpose of this business plan is to raise $20,000 for the development Art for Evolution's Crowdfunding Platform, so that each person can create their own campaign, to celebrate a Green birthday or Green event. (100% of the money raised becomes trees for Land Art Parks.)



Total Start Up Requirements $ 20,000


virtual park



You can mail us a check

payable to Art For Evolution at:
17890 West Dixie HWY pH 918

North Miami Beach 33160


Call us to +1 3059791693






The purpose is to raise $ 30,000 for the Web Development of Virtual Park

E-Planting's software, enabling participants to plant trees with personal names in the Virtual Land Art Park..

Upon completion of the virtual version,a real Land Art Park will be alive with trees.



Total Start Up Requirements $ 30,000


events 0



You can mail us a check

payable to Art For Evolution at:
17890 West Dixie HWY pH 918

North Miami Beach 33160


Call us to +1 3059791693






The purpose is to raise $40,000 for the CO2 CONSULTANT.

The consultant has been designated to encourage organizations to reduce their energy usage and in doing so, reduce their carbon emissions, through financial and other means. In turn, then can compensate by providing trees for the Land Art Park.



Total Start Up Requirements $ 40,000




You can mail us a check

payable to Art For Evolution at:
17890 West Dixie HWY pH 918

North Miami Beach 33160


Call us to +1 3059791693




A W A R E N N E S S    C A M P A I G N


Help us:

  • To educate, inform, persuade, and entertain our audience.

  • To mobilize people to support our cause.

  • To advertise our tour, meetings and special events.

  • To popularize our awareness campaigns and messages.


The Awareness Campaign is our wake-up call, and provides the tools to reverse the damage that we've done to our planet, and the future damage that is already set in motion. Together we can create change for a better today and tomorrow. 





Total Requirements $ 10,000 to $ 500,000






10,000 trees 5 -6 feet tall will represent your legacy.

Create a land art piece portraying your mark transforming the Gray Mark (pollution) into a Green Mark on the planet. More info




  • Art For Evolution nonprofit executive compensation.  

Board directors not have salaried.  Currently, all staff is volunteers, at this point we need to contract specialized professional team to achieve our goals, help us to grow!  DONATE NOW


  • Gifts to Art For Evolution Inc are tax deductible according to IRS regulations. Please use our acknowledgment as a receipt for your charitable contribution deduction, pursuant to IRS Code, Section 6115. Art For Evolution Inc has complied with registration requirements of Chapter 496, Florida Statutes, and the Solicitation of Contribution Act, Registration No.CH45311




  • The funds received through the entirety of the corporation’s activities will be used exclusively for the purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be used for personal gains of any sort. Art For Evolution Inc. is organized exclusively for educational purposes. No part of the net earnings of Art for Evolution Inc. shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions consistent with these Articles. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of advertising, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or interfere in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by any organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.




Ways to donate



  • Bank transfer:

Art For Evolution Inc.

Citibank Account: 3290284251

Routing: 067004764


  • Mail your check and completed donation form to Art For Evolution Inc. 17890 West Dixie HighWay Greynolds PH. 718 North Miami Beach, Fl 33160 Tel.: 786-262-0150 Fax: 786-657-7188


  • Employer Matching Gift Programs Double your donation! Check with your employer to see if they offer a matching gift program. If you need our nonprofit tax identification number or if you have any questions, please call  305 -979 -1693 or email us


  • Build a Legacy of Sustainability. If you would like to give in ways that will also reduce your estate taxes and probate costs, please call  (305) 999 1078 or email us



    BITCOINS: If you want to support our organization, feel free to send us some Bitcoins:

If you have any questions regarding donations, please email us or call us.



      THANK YOU!                                      



      Do your SMALL part

                        for BIG change.



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