About our CSR Annual Membership Program
Program Goal
CSR Report
5 Good Reasons to Join
Choosing the Membership Level
Become a Member. Join Us
Annual Membership Program

CSR reporting enables organizations to consider their impacts, enabling them to be more transparent about the risks and opportunities they face. To encourage your successful business, you need to intertwine it with CSR actions and report it.
Improved public image, increased media coverage, attracting and retaining investors, and boosting employee engagement are some benefits of our CSR Program. This CSR report will reflect your participation and your commitment to develop and reward your people, clients, and community by retaining your reputation as an employer of choice.​
5 Good Reasons to Join
Brand promotion
Your business name will be featured on charity marketing literature and you will have the chance to be involved in their events and activities, which in turn gives you free publicity for your brands.
Improves business image
If you’re able to write on your website that you’re affiliated with a charity, customers are more likely to be attracted to you and your services, encouraging them to approach you to use your services.
Encourages employees
Encouraging your employees to actively support your chosen charity will help to generate a sense of pride and unity amongst your team. The more you help to promote the charity as well will aid your own brand promotion.
Develops business network
Charities have their own network of supporters, which is highly likely to be full of people that use or require your services. So, when you become involved with the charity, you are opening yourself up to many more potential customers.
Brand differentiation
Imagine two business offering the same product for the same price. How are customers going to choose which one to buy? It’s highly likely their decision will be based on which ever business is more philanthropic.
Choosing the Membership Level
Program's Goal

The GoG CSR Annual Program`s main goal is to spread the GOG CHALLENGE. To educate the community implementing 10 eco-ethical actions to which participants can commit for CO2 reduction. Your help can make possible our goal of achieving the promise of getting 1 million of commitments for reducing 1 Million tons of CO2.
The GoG CSR Annual Program provides education about solutions to environmental problems and safe alternatives to threats to the environment through the first Project: GREEN on GRAY (G.O.G). The art project created by Analia Bordenave uses art initiatives to involve the public in creative forms of activism, helping them to bring about positive environmental change in a unique and interactive way. READ MORE
The CSR Annual Membership Program allows all types of companies to be a part of a big impact CSR campaign and to be proud of their contribution and the benefits.
We offer our members a variety of choices to suit your specific needs.
The CSR Annual Membership Program allows small companies to be a part of a big impact CSR campaign and to be proud of their contribution and the benefits. GOG CSR Program includes education, ecological ethics, green spaces, C02 reduction, and Participatory Art.
Members will join forces with others and receive a powerful guiding structure that will better enable them to enact the large-scale change they hope to see. We offer creative solutions to environmental challenges. Let's run a CSR campaign together!
The CSR program will get you an Improved public image, increased media coverage and boost employee engagement which will attract and retain investors.
Be a member of our CSR Annual Membership Program and receive your CSR recognition.
With the annual membership, the companies make the most out of the money. Tax deductible donations combined with the CSR program generates maximum impact to their business and the community
CSR Certification
Becoming a member of our CSR Annual Membership Program you have demonstrated your commitment to high professional standards. Let others know you are a member by displaying a handsome framed AFE CRS membership certificate in your office. Every certificate is superbly printed on quality grade paper with an AFE seal. Your certificate will bear your company name, current membership year, and the signatures of the local authorities and AFE President.
The integration of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and principles into business operations can help your company to realize innovation and competitiveness benefits. Our CSR toolkit for business provides practical guidance on why and how to integrate sustainability-oriented practices into your business operations.

Based on the Program participation, a member then earns one of five GOG CSR rating levels: Certified, one to five stars.
CSR Members are permitted to display a GoG CSR logo on their print and digital materials.
All members demonstrate their commitment to sustainability while also making an impact within their sphere of influence

A great opportunity to making a visible difference on the local, national and global level, from environmental our campaign, represent a positive change that will be felt for years to come.
CSR Application for International Awards.
Dissemination of results in Television/radio, Interne, Print media, E-Mailing, Out-of-home.
Become a Member

Donate online using our secure OnLine Platform:
When you become a member of our CSR Annual Membership Program, you will be part of a multi-level plan that seeks to maximize the impact of your donation due to the fact that not only you can deduct it from your taxes, but also because you'll get the benefits of being part of a CSR program. If you seek to give back to the planet, the size of your company doesn't matter; with small donations from a large number of companies, you will see your donation become a big project. Strength is in the numbers!
A GOG CSR Membership is the first step in making all of this happen, so choose a level that best suits your participation and let us do the rest!
Just click HERE to view a printable PDF version of the pledge card.
You can then fill it out and mail it, along with your check, to
Art For Evolution, Inc.
PO Box 192066
Miami FL 33119